Adventure Therapy is a powerful form of experiential therapy that inspires emotional healing. If we look at Experiential Learning as the bridge that brings fun and learning together instead of keeping them as mutually exclusive; then its associated field of Adventure Therapy seeks to use experiential adventure methods in enhancing personal wellness.

We at Urbanite Camps merge aspects of Physiology, Psychology, Ecology, Sociology and Spirituality wrapped in a nice bundle of outdoor challenges… all this with the aim towards holistic wellness of participants.

In part, we work by allowing individuals to venture outside their comfort zones through various methods, all in the outdoors. By providing opportunities to escape from their daily routine, Adventure Therapy helps them see themselves in a new light. Furthermore, mastering new challenges in a collaborative environment boosts self-esteem and social skills. 

Our process places great importance on the environment. In looking at Mother Nature as a healer, we open ourselves up to the sovereignty of God and His amazing creation. We reaffirm our place as part of that creation and actively seek to be one with it- taking care to nurture it as it nurtures us in turn. 

Our Adventure Therapy programs are run on a custom needs basis and we encourage interested clients to contact us for a complete brief.


  1. Wellness Programs
  2. Parent-Child Bonding and Family retreats
  3. Custom Therapeutic Programs