Menstruation is a normal natural biological phenomenon for ladies. It is nature’s way for communicating to the girl child the onset of puberty and beginning of the journey to the possibility of motherhood. But this natural process often times end up being a curse- for some at least- especially the young girls in poor remote areas. A curse in the sense that the young girls are subjected to all sorts of mental, emotional, and in some cases, physical anguish. These range from shaming and ridicule to being forced to engage in sex in exchange for sanitary pads and basic needs, or into early marriages that end up in physical violence and emotional abuse. These young girls are therefore forced to drop out of school thereby ending up as housewives with limited means to fend for themselves, compelled by their circumstances to wholly rely on their husbands or others.
This is not just a story. This is happening in Kenya’s remote areas, tucked away from the scrutinizing eyes of the public. One of those areas is the Mukogodo area in Laikipia North. This is why we are holding this event, to raise awareness and support the young girls. Being part of this event means you are ensuring that:
the young girls are not subjected to shame and ridicule associated with periods any longer.
the young girls complete their education, get decent jobs and a means of livelihood.
the young girls will not engage, anymore, in sex for pads.
the young girls will not be forced into early marriages because they have no voice and alternatives.
Provision of menstrual kits and menstrual cups will be accompanied by empowerment of the girls in training and sensitization on hygiene and health, as well as include boys of Mukogodo on issues contributing to an end towards gender-based violence.
Urbanite Camps, Poriscape Safaris and Mukogodo Girls Empowerment Programme are therefore organizing a fund-raising day-hike up Mt. Kenya on 28th of November 2020, via the Naro Moru route from MET station to Picnic Rocks. The proceeds of this hike will go into supporting the young girls in Laikipia through Mukogodo Girls Empowerment Programme with menstruation kits/cups, education and campaigns towards ending the menstruation stigma during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2020.