Belonging to a team is becoming part of something larger than yourself and working to make it greater by the day. Team building activities with Urbanite Camps result in experiences that change the way teams face challenges, relate and grow. 

Our Bigger Picture is:

  • Developing and enhancing team synergy and strategy.
  • Enhancing shared organizational vision and team direction/purpose.
  • Building team cohesion including conflict avoidance and resolution.
  • Establishing roles and responsibilities of team members.
  • Developing trust, open communication and team support.
  • Have collective fun team bonding experiences in the outdoors.

We aim to facilitate perspective-changing experiences for our participants that are ultimately highly rewarding for their teams, and their workplace that promote positive change in the society at large.


Our programs range from half-day to multi-day engagements depending on client needs and availability. Our custom-made experiences consider time as a valuable resource and as such we provide options and solutions that are practical to today’s dynamic needs. 


We partner with venues all over the country bearing in mind that travel and a different setting is therapy in itself. From setting up camp in barren lands to being hosted in lavish serviced spaces, we practice flexibility and open-mindedness, and model the same to our clients. 

Get in touch with us through to begin planning your next team bonding event. Our Adventure Travel itineraries can also be used to guide in decision-making on the activities or locations you and your team would like to experience.